Surprise For Gas Workers From Elizavetovka
Mon.Nov. 2018Impunity breeds permissiveness
Not that long ago I informed my subscribers about litigation with a people’s deputy of Ukraine from Petro Poroshenko Block (PPB) Maxim Kuryachii.
My lawsuit was a normal reaction of a law-abiding citizen to a mass violation of election law by the people’s deputy from PPB. I photographed one board and filed a lawsuit demanding to recognize the obvious violation of current legislation (absence of outgoing data at the pre-election campaign) and prohibit candidate Kuryachii to further violate the law.
Unfortunately, court of the first instance, after carefully listening to my arguments, refused, citing completely unsubstantiated inferences of judge Kononenko.
The Court of Appeal Collegium was utmost pleasing. After carefully listening and, in fact, agreeing with the obvious facts, it also refused to satisfy my claims, but, this time, for completely different reasons. Namely, the court found me to be a nonconforming subject of the election process. In other words, it rejected me because I’m not his direct competitor, even though I enjoy all the rights of a candidate.
The judges didn’t want to stand on the side of the law and spoil relations with the people’s deputy and PPB, and rendered a decision that fully satisfied Maxim Kuryachii, i.e. didn’t stop his violations.
This whole charade at this stage can’t be appealed and continues to bear negative fruit in the form of further completely unpunished violations of the law.
Today, on the 14.10.2015, on a holiday I decided to check how things were with the advertising of Maxim Kuryachii.
Here’s a brief photo report. And this is while the law enforcement officers solemnly swear that in Dnepropetrovsk oblast’ and in Dnepropetrovsk itself they created headquarters that rapidly respond to electoral legislation violations. They ask people to report any violations. And, as usual, they make formidable looks and puff out their chests. But unfortunately they’re not smart enough to actually get their asses in epaulets off their warm chairs and take a ride around the city in order to identify such violations.
There is only one conclusion – the efficiency of judicial system in the struggle against the high-ranking offenders from PPB within the election campaign is zero, as of today.
The efficiency of law enforcement agencies in controlling compliance with the law during the election campaign is also zero.
As a result, the entire responsibility for the ongoing violations lies upon the shoulders of principled social activists who are not willing to put up with the current state of things and are still trying to stir up this swamp and get this rotten system to work.
We shouldn’t forget that the corrupt system consists of very specific people. Specific people’s deputies that violate the law and specific judges that cover up these violations, taking advantage of the fact that their judgements and rulings are not subject to appeal.
But I will try, until I give out, to show on my own example how to properly use the law against offenders in long robes and offenders with deputy badges.
Maxim Golosnoy