Tue.Oct. 2018

For the First Time in Ukraine – the Village Council Legalized the Crypto Currency.

This was announced by the chairman of the village council of Elizavetovka village, Maxim Golosnoy: “While the VR deputies have parted for the long-awaited vacation, and the state administration system has not decided on the legal position in the circulation of the crypto-currency, the village council of the Dnipropetrovsk region has already legalized its crypto assets through state registration.” This is the second stage of the crypto-currency experiment, which is being carried out by this local government body. Previous deputies […]
Tue.Oct. 2018

Social Program “Safety of the Elderly” in Elizavetovka

Call a guard or ambulance, order medicine or food, or solve any other social problem, you can press just one button! In Elizavetovka village, which is located in the Dnepropetrovsk region, a new social project has been launched. The SOS button – such devices will be installed here for vulnerable groups of the population, who from time to time need urgent help. The initiators of the project – the chairman Maxim Golosnoy and the activist of the “Development and Reforms […]
Sun.Oct. 2015

Between The Lines of Raider Attack Stories

An interesting article “Who captures “Musketeer” and why?” is printed in the last issue of Faces magazine. It’s also available on the website. It’s informative not only in terms of studying those “innovations” that raiders have put into use to seize your property in cooperation with law enforcement authorities… The story is told by the director of an ice-cream company “Musketeer”. He tells about his ordeals, searches for law, protection, justice and righteousness in police, prosecutor’s offices and courts of […]