The Court Postponed the Consideration of the Case of Elizavetovka Village Concerning Gas Problems for an Indefinite Period
Tue.Oct. 2018
How Can They Reduce Debts to a Budget Thanks to the Tax Authorities’ Loyalty?
Fri.Oct. 2018The head of Elizavetovka village, Maxim Golosnoy, provided the public with a report on the work done in 2017.
By 21.11. 2017, the revenue part of the budget of Elizavetovka village council is executed at 142.2%. So with the planned targets for the general fund of 5 235 083 UAH, it received 7 448 623 UAH, therefore, the over-fulfillment is 2 213 539 UAH.
By 01.11.2017, the expenses for the general fund 4303302 UAH, and for the special fund 1670353 UAH, including:
- maintenance and development of road infrastructure (maintenance) on Chelyuskin Street 198,000.00 UAH (blast-free domain slag – 624.915 m³), Shevchenko’s 198,000.00 UAH (blast-off slag – 624.915 m³), Sportivnaya 69444 UAH (dump slag-230.01 m³) , 2nd Kalinovy lane 39251 UAH (slag dump – 298.05 m³), Cottagenaya 49997 UAH (slag dump – 165.6 m³), Lugovaya 198000.00 UAH (slag dump – 624.915 m³), Cottagenaya 166500 UAH. (Oil road bitumens 0.47344375 tons, asphalt concrete mixtures 54.36 tons – 450 sq. M.), Sobornaya199800 UAH. (Road bitumens 0.56813971 tons, asphalt concrete mixtures 65.232 tons – 540 m. Kv.) Kalinovaya 198,000 UAH. (Domain waste slag – 624.915 m³), Uyutnaya 149977 UAH. (Blast waste slag -378.9 m³)
- work on the reconstruction of the street lighting system on the streets Sobornaya, Kalinovaya, Beregovaya, Shirokaya, Partizanskaya, Sportivnaya, Shevchenko, Soborniy Lane, Schmidt, 1st Kalinovy, 3rd Kalinovy, Kalinovaya, Lugovaya, Centralnaya, Klenovaya, lane 1 Central, 2nd Central – in the amount of 1570 354 UAH., with a total length of 20.288 km.
- the acquisition of a surveillance camera with installation – 36000 UAH.,
- the purchase of sports simulators for playgrounds – 41050 UAH.,
- purchase of reinforced concrete fences for the cemetery (height 1m – 390 mp) -73476.00 UAH,
- purchase of gates and gates – 11000 UAH.,
- household and office supplies – 31348 UAH.,
- auto parts – 5665,00 UAH.,
- MFP laser – 4490 UAH.,
- payment of door blocks – 20,000 UAH.,
- the purchase of gasoline – 82800 UAH.,
- pump station – 4500 UAH.,
- purchase of reinforced concrete fences on Shirokaya Street – 29999 UAH,
- the cost of wages – 1316202 UAH.,
- salary charges – 290,382 UAH,
- safe waste collection services (garbage collection) – 138 865 UAH.,
- landscaping services – 32 095 UAH.
- services for obtaining permission to perform work in the security zone (fee for disconnecting networks when connected to another) – 4413 UAH,
- services of connection to electric networks (street lighting) – 37382 UAH,
- hedge trimming services (bushes) – UAH 1875,
- services for pruning, thinning, rejuvenation of trees – 9999 UAH.,
- topographical survey of Shirokaya and Beregovaya streets, Soborniy lane – 12848 UAH,
- refilling cartridges and computer software support – UAH 9454,
- car insurance – 494 UAH.,
- messages to the newspaper – 1440 UAH.,
- bank services – 1662 UAH.,
- services for the protection of the village council facility – 8526 UAH,
- technical car repair services – 7641 UAH,
- technical inventory of real estate (services BTI) – 13700 UAH.,
- payment of travel money to the village council employees – 1770 UAH,
- payment for electricity for the needs of the village council – 135085 UAH,
- electricity payment (street lighting) – 22357 UAH,
- financial support of KP “Comunservice” – 220700 UAH
- purchase of a printer for the Elizavetovskaya school – 2500 UAH,
- funds for UGKSU in Petrikovsky district for the implementation of the program of material and technical support for the conditions of customer service by decision of the village council No. 806-318UII-20000,
- expenses for social protection of the population-288300 UAH., as well as (Grave-ill patients-121600 UAH.; Assistance in support of workers of the communal cultural institution-14000UAH, to the participants of the Antiterrorist organization -10,000 UAH., to veterans of the Great Patriotic War -10000 UAH., For combatants -4500 UAH. The participants of the war -11000 UAH., Employees of secondary school-51750 UAH., Employees of Elizavetovsky DME-32000 UAH., Honorary citizen-5000 UAH. Employees of the ambulance station-15750 UAH. “